IRC invites the school and surrounding community to join us on June 1st from 11AM-3PM for our annual IRC Fun Fair fundraiser! 

This year's event will feature more of the activities your family loves: 3 large bouncy castles, Beat the Bucket, games, Fire Truck, Pawsitively Pets, basket prizes, bake sale, ice cream, cotton candy, face painting, glitter tattoos, a DJ and much much more!

FREE ENTRY!  Food/game tickets ($2 each) can be purchased at the door or on School Cash Online. (Cash/Debit/Credit).  

WRISTBANDS - Must be purchased in advance!  For $10, buy a wristband in advance on School Cash Online that gives your child access to unlimited use of the inflatables!

This is IRC's biggest fundraiser and all proceeds from the Fun Fair will benefit our children directly by going toward funding materials and programs at IRC.

A huge thank you to our incredible sponsors whose generous support has made this event possible!  

Platinum Sponsors ($5000 +)

Silver Sponsors ($1000 +)

Friends of IRC ($500 +)

Oxford Learning - High Park